How to submit
your abstract
Your abstract should be sent to
as an attachment, along with your
registration form and the settlement of
your registration fees.
Deadline for
submission of abstract
Abstracts to be considered must be
submitted on June the 20st, 2011
at the very latest.
Accepted oral or poster presentations
could contribute as full research
papers or sort communications,
after review, in the highlight issues of
two broadly recognized scientific journals
(Biological Chemistry or Thrombosis &
Preparing your abstract
Before submitting, please,
check that:
a. The same font is used throughout the
text, especially the symbols. The
committee recommends you to use Times New
Roman 12pt,
b. The body text is not longer than 300
c. The abstract is written in the English
d. One of the authors, whose name should
be underlined in one abstract, will be
attending the Symposium.
Content of short
The best abstracts will be selected for a
short talk presentation which will take
place in the auditorium following each
lecture’s session. This will allow
researchers to present their research work
at a large audience.
Fifteen minutes will be devoted to each
short talk: 12 minutes for the short talk
and 3 minutes for the discussion and any
Preparing your
Workshop posters and subspecialty
Poster size must not exceed 95 cm height
and 80 cm width (↕ 0.95m, ↔ 0.80 m)
including title, authors, names and
At the top of the board of each poster the
corresponding abstract number will be
placed, as indicated in the abstract’s
book. All tables, figures and text,
written in English, should be legible at a
distance of about one meter.
Posters can be mounted starting from
Thursday, 1 September 2011, at 18.00 hrs
and will be on display throughout the
The official poster viewing times are
being scheduled from Thursday until Sunday
during coffee breaks and on Friday, 2
September 2011 from 17:00-19:30 during the
Poster Session. At least one registered
author per poster is expected to be
present at that time.
The presenter should bring Print-out
versions of his/hers poster in order to
provide it to the other participants.
for submission of abstract
Abstracts to be considered must be
submitted, as an attached word file to the
e-mail address, on May
the 31st, 2011 at the latest.
All confirmation will be sent via e-mail.
Oral or poster presenters with interesting
new results will be invited to publish
their data as full research papers
or sort communications in the
highlight issues of two broadly recognized
scientific journals (Biological Chemistry
or Thrombosis & Haemostasis).